Brain Hemorrhage
A brain hemorrhage is a type of stroke, which is caused in the brain. Brain hemorrhage is caused by a blood vessels in the brain rupturing and causing internal bleeding in the surrounding tissues. Internal bleeding decreases oxygen delivery to the brain, creates extra pressure in the brain and kills the cells of the brain.There are two main causes of brain hemorrhage are high blood pressure and trauma. A person having blood thinner medicine is also at a high risk to become a patient of brain haemorrhage.
Brain hemorrhages are also called cerebral hemorrhages, brain bleeds, intracranial hemorrhages, or intracerebral hemorrhages.
What are the different types of Brain Haemorrhage?
Brain Haemorrhage is broadly classified into two types based on the area where the bleeding occurs. This can happen between the brain tissue and the skull or within the brain.
The former is classified into 3 types. These are:
The latter is classified into two types. These are:
Intracerebral Haemorrhage
Intraventricular Haemorrhage
Signs and Symptoms:
Signs and symptoms may include in brain hemorrhage…..
Tests needed for the diagnosis of brain hemorrhage
With the evolution in technology, the neuro-interventional procedures have become much more amenable and more safer. Hi-tech hardware technology and imaging technological development have completely revolutionized the entire scene. Most of our hardware is imported from the western hemisphere. In the near future with the availability of “Make in India” products, the procedural cost would see a significant reduction, making them more amenable in the society.
In Brain Hemorrhage, earlier the patients were being treated by open surgeries, where the bleeding vessels would be surgically “clipped” or Resected or coagulated after getting open access by performing major brain surgeries. Now we also have a minimally invasive way of treating those bleeding sites by our neuro-interventional procedures.